Get in touch with us if you are looking for a company to assist with guaranteed car finance in Liverpool. A poor credit score can negatively affect your car finance with various companies, but at The Car Finance Companies, we understand that hard times do not always last, and that anyone can get back on their feet, and they shouldn’t have to be continuously rejected by car finance companies who often only work with limited information and numbers, failing to take into account the backstory of the concerned individual. A car has become almost a vital possession in today’s life, and in some cases, it is the very lifeline required for a family to be able to survive.
We always do our best to get individuals matched to companies willing to provide them with a car within their budget. In Liverpool, guaranteed car finance can only be found at The Car Finance Companies. While we do guarantee car finance, please note that some cases may take longer than required. And we will do everything in our power to match you with a vehicle that is within your budget. We work with various high street lenders as well as specialist motoring finance houses, which is why we are always able to help hundreds of customers. We have a team of dedicated finance experts waiting to help you with any enquiry that you may have. Our expertise lies in helping individuals with very poor credit score, and making sure that they find a vehicle that is within their means. If you are interested to part exchange your vehicle, our team is ready to provide you with an honest, and updated market value estimate of your vehicle.
Besides guaranteed car finance in Liverpool, we also offer Autoguard Warranty with all of our vehicles, which means, you don’t have to worry should the vehicle require repair work (valid on mechanical and electrical components only) once it is in your possession. For more details, contact The Car Finance Companies. We work with clients all over the UK.