If you need assistance with poor credit car finance in Sheffield, get in touch with us. A poor credit score can negatively affect your application for car finance, but at The Car Finance Companies, we understand that hard times do not always last. A car has become almost a vital possession in today’s life, and in some cases, it is very necessary in order to travel to and from work. Some people need the vehicle as part of the service they offer their clients. Our dedicated team of finance experts can find you a finance house that will offer you the credit you need. We have a team of experienced financial experts to guide you through the application for purchase of one of our specially chosen, well cared for used cars or vans.
We have a strong relationship with high street lenders and specialist motoring finance houses and have helped hundreds of customers secure the best financial deal for their budget. Our expertise with finance means that, in Sheffield, poor credit car finance is attainable. All finance is subject to status and income and we can issue a written quotation on request. As we act as a credit broker and not a lender, we work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your purchase. We are only able to offer finance products from our selected credit providers. As we are open seven days a week including Bank Holidays, you are welcome to contact us between nine in the morning until six in the evening most days of the week.
Poor credit car finance in Sheffield can be done when you contact The Car Finance Companies. We have a wide selection of top quality vehicles available, such as a small runabout car to selected luxury vehicles. Speak to us and arrange to buy your new car. We also purchase cars through a network of industry contacts that are looking to pay good prices for all kinds of vehicles. We can supply an Autoguard Premium Warranty with the car which covers all mechanical and electrical components of the vehicle that were supplied as original fitments by the manufacturer except for a few exclusions. These will include various wear and tear parts of the vehicle but they do cover part of the entertainment system, air conditioning and climate control systems as well as part of the SAT NAV equipment.